Monday, December 13, 2004

New Obsessive Consumption Products!


Just a sneak peek at some new merchandise that will be sold on Obsessive Consumption V2 which will be launched in a matter of days (hours even)

so so so so so so so excited.

The heart pillows are made out of felt and hand stitched.
The t-shirt is just 100% awesome.

the end.

That shirt IS 100% awsome!

The pillows are neat, too! I"m so excited for the new Obsessive Consumption!

You will, of course, be announcing the new site launch here, yes? Email? ANYTHING?!

Thanks Kory!
and Max, I will totally be rocking the e-mail to announce. Maybe a couple of times. You don't happen to know of any good mailing list programs, do you? I just downloaded stuff from NotifyList (diary land, I think?) old list is a mess and I do lots lot lots of cutting and pasting in Entourage to send out e-mails. I figured you would know something good!
Depending on what you want to do with it... but NotifyList is great for announcements-only type email. Google rolled out a new Group section which could handle a big group well - - and it seems to be catching on well. A Google Group may be good for your audience.

Both are free!

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