Thursday, October 14, 2004

Money Magazine!!!

I just received a telephone call confiriming that I am going to be in the December issue of Money Magazine!
Jean Chatzky e-mailed me a week or so ago about running a short item on my work. She is an editor for Money Magazine, has written several books on debt and is also the NBC Today Show money correspondant. I was excited when I was talking with her, but nothing was really confirmed about the possibility of an actual article.

Today I received a telephone call from her assistant telling me that the article will run and that they were going to send a photographer to Starkville to set up a photo shoot with me!!! I had no idea that a photo was going to be part of this. SOOO, on Tuesday I will be involved with a photo shoot!


More details to come.
I am still not convinced that this will actually happen.

keep your fingers crossed!

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