Sunday, August 29, 2004

We watched Olympic Diving on TV: or Kate and Cliff make fart noises


yeah, so we thought we would make olympic diving more entertaining if we made poo noises with our mouth (or hands over mouth...whatever we felt was appropriate at the time) each time a diver would stick his butt up in the air while doing feats that neither cliff and I could never. ever. EVER do. EVER. never.

By doing this for about thirty minutes and really quite enjoying it for that said amount of time, I have come to the conclusion that:

a. we still find and will always find poop humor funny.
b. coupled with an international competition know for courage, spirit and other patriotic thingys, it made making fart noises with our mouth even funnier.
c. We should take more photos of tv. I mean really. This photo made diving look totally arty. and as we all know tv + image on tv + camera = instant art.
d. We could have been taking shots of bourbon instead of making fart noises with out mouth each time a diver stuck his tushie in the air. We would have done that if we were 19 and totally into drinking games, but really at this point we were operating at an eight year old level and everybody knows that eight year olds should not drink.


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