Sunday, October 23, 2005

New Find

New Find
Originally uploaded by kate*.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Goodbye Nona!

Goodbye Nona!
Originally uploaded by kate*.

Ladies and Gentlemen...this is Nona Marie Ferney (or Beep as she is more apt to be called by friends and family).

My lecture poster at Hartford Art School!

My lecture poster at Hartford Art School!
Originally uploaded by kate*.

Just got back from giving a lecture at the Hartford Art School and spending a few days with jenni, brian, nona and B in Connecticut (brian taught me how to spell connecticut this is just the word "connect" and then "icut" I shall never spell this word wrong again!!! Had a great time with ALL!!! The lecture went well...I think I had a good balance of fun and seriousness...dorkiness and for realness. anyway. I am home!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

clifton and kate

clifton and kate
Originally uploaded by kate*.

all dressed up and no place to we got engaged.

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